My 1st 100 miler

The title says it all……well 105 actually, we missed a turn!

I joined Rob again for the latest in the Wiggle Sportive series. This was the Spring Saddle based at Newmarket’s Rowley Mile Race Course.

Out bright (for a change) and early hoping for a 8 o’clock start. Again, it was a chilly start to the day but you knew it would warm up and be a nice day.

The first 30 miles were a nightmare. We missed the smallest turning in the world and ended up doing the extra 5 miles, then Rob had a blowout which was quickly followed by another puncture of his own making. Fine cyclist he may be, cycle mechanic he’s not! Then my chain came off on a desent which meant we had a frustrating time up to the first feed station.

After the struggles of the last sportive, I felt much better matching Rob pedal for pedal. We were attacking all the climbs and maintaining good speed when we were moving and passing lots of other riders without being passed by many. It was at this point when we started to wonder what other peoples training consisted of. At the moment, we’re completing 10 sessions a week. Was this Sunday ride other peoples only exercise?

After the second feed station and another delay after riders started to follow signs put up by a local club for their sportive causing confusion, I started to feel it and my pace dropped. Rob shot off with my blessing and like your first marathon when you hit 20 miles, I started to wish for the finish. My stomach was now displaying its dislike to High5 energy drink, energy gels and too many flapjacks! The 3rd feed station at Clare came as a welcome relief. I couldn’t bring myself to eat anything so topped up the bottles with fresh water.

It took a couple of miles to get the legs going after this stop, but then I felt re-energised. The last 20 miles, despite a couple of nasty climbs, were highly enjoyable – safe in the knowledge that I was going to do it……complete to magic three figures for the first time.

The finish line is always a welcome sight in any event and this was no exception. This was a very tough ride, continually undulating, but it did make me realise what a beautiful place Suffolk is. This is the great thing about cycling, it takes you places you’d never go to either on foot or in the car. And if you ride slow enough, you may even see some of them!

What have I learnt to this stage? Well, apart from High5 energy drink does funny things to me, I knew I could run a marathon, now I know I can ride a bike 112 miles, just got to prove I can swim 2.4 miles…………oh, and a small matter of doing them all on the same day. Gulp!

Actual Ride time: 6:24:44

Official finish time: 7:13:53

Total mileage: 104.87

The route:



Stolen from the official photos:



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